Say Goodbye to Boring Swim Shorts with ORTC 

Can you imagine having to enjoy the beauty and freedom that accompanies going to the beach or visiting a swimming pool? You have to wonder, "Only a few activities bring this kind of feeling," or "Can anything ruin the fun?" To the first statement, not many activities provide a feeling compared to the recreational activities you get to do with water. 

 However, the feeling can be ruined, and quickly at that. How? Imagine wearing the wrong swim shorts to an occasion and for an activity. If you cannot relate to the feeling, here is a scenario to help you picture it. 

Imagine wearing a swim short to go swimming or to a pool party, and in the event, the short gets torn or becomes too tight, or something weird and uncomfortable happens. Then, the experience becomes even more frustrating when you discover that you could have avoided the disaster from happening had you done things right. 

Firstly, the disaster only happened because you picked the wrong swim shorts for the occasion. But secondly, that is just one of the many ways picking the wrong swim shorts can ruin your fun. 

 Sure! You will want to avoid dull experiences on a fun day like this; thus, this article will help you with details on picking the ideal swim shorts and outlining the various swim shorts designs that can work for you. 

How to Pick Your Ideal Swim Shorts 

There are specific tips available to help anyone pick the best swim shorts so they can avoid a dull experience. These tips include:

  1. Identify your functional needs: Start by asking yourself what activities you want to engage in. If you wish to engage in swimming, consider whether it will be casual or competitive swimming. For competitive swimming, you will consider how the leg movement will affect the swim shorts and, vice versa, the drag that the swim shorts will generate. Competitive swimming needs reduced drag; thus, a swim short with less buoyancy will achieve better results when swimming. This is not particular to swimming; other activities like scuba diving, surfing, and more also apply to this tip.
  2. Have a clear picture: in your head. Before buying, it would be best to imagine how you will look in swim shorts. You should note that the picture influences where you will use or need the swim shorts. For example, if you wear swim shorts at an official party, you will want one that says "decency" or something like that.
  3. Be honest about your body: It all comes down to you and how well you know your body. Being honest means understanding that nobody knows your body better than you and accepting your body's flaws. This realization will allow you to choose swim shorts suited for your body type.


To wrap up this exciting text, you must know how to swim before purchasing swim shorts. Plus, if you want to get swim shorts, check every box of the requirements contained in the tips above. Then, ORTC is the place for you; they are a brand that prioritizes style and comfort.