Spice Up Your Work Wardrobe with these Socks

When you think about your work wardrobe, it's not uncommon for socks to be an afterthought. We put so much effort into trousers, shirts, jackets, suits and the rest, but often forget about what's on our feet. However, you can spice up your work look with a great pair of socks. 

Even though your socks are mostly covered if you wear trousers, people can still get a glimpse of them when you sit down. It's a fun way to inject a bit of personality into your look without appearing unprofessional. Here are just some of the styles you could consider. 

Sports Themes 

Sport is a big part of Australian culture. Whether you're a fanatic for your team, a casual observer, or you're passionate about playing a weekend sport, there are sporty designs to suit everyone. 

ORTC stocks patterned socks with cool images such as footballs, basketballs, golf clubs, cricket equipment and much more. 

You can even get socks in the colour of your favourite footy teams, which is a great way to show your allegiance without wearing traditional footy socks. Which, let's face it, most offices might frown upon! 


Do you love animals? We do too! That's why ORTC has designed a bunch of socks that let you celebrate your favourite furry (or not so furry) friends. From sausage dogs to whales, there are plenty of animal designs you can choose from. It's a nice way to show your love for animals while remaining stylish. 


Of course, you don't need zany images on your socks to show some personality. ORTC has a cool range of patterns, including stripes, polka dots and more. By adding a splash of colour, you can enhance your look without looking unprofessional or out of place. Some stylish, patterned socks can transfer your wardrobe. 

Wearing Socks With Shorts  

We appreciate that not everybody wears trousers and shirts to work. However, if you've got the luxury of wearing shorts to work, then you can have an even bigger impact with your socks. Since they'll be on display all day, make sure you choose appropriate patterns that go with your outfit. 

If you choose something too bright, or even if you wear patterned socks with much other bright clothing, you'll have the wrong kind of impact. Choose subtle yet fun designs that bring some of your personality into your work outfit to keep it stylish. 

Add a Pair of Patterned Socks to Your Suit Today! 

Regardless of how sedate your normal work attire is, you can always give it some life with a funky pair of socks. ORTC stocks a massive range of cool socks that you can add to your look. There's something for everyone, from simple designs such as spots or stripes to images of animals, food or sporting themes. 

If you want to add some personality and colour to your work